VR UIKit includes several predefined button styles.
VR UIKit includes two input styles - line style and border style.
Customised Input Field
The CustomiseInputField in the UIKits/Prefabs/Mobile/Inputs folder is designed for Android based VR devices such as Oculus Quest or Gear VR. Unity's original input field tends to trigger the built-in Android keyboard when it gets selected. The customised input field is designed to bypass this issue.
To work with the CustomiseInputField, please use the keyboard in the Prefabs/Mobile/Keyboard folder.
The main logic of CustomiseInputField is in the UIKitInputField.cs. The public properties are as follows.
// Example of getting the text from CustomiseInputField
using VRUiKits.Utils;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
public UIKitInputField inputfield;
string output = inputfield.text;